dry-transaction 0.15

Step adapters

step adds operations to your transaction that already return a Result object. If you have to work with other types of operations, you can use an alternative step adapter. Step adapters can wrap the output of your operations to make them easier to integrate into a transaction. The following adapters are available:

  • map – any output is considered successful and returned as Success(output)
  • check - the operation returns a boolean. True values return the original input as Success(input). Any other values return the original input as Failure(input).
  • try – the operation may raise an exception in an error case. This is caught and returned as Failure(exception). The output is otherwise returned as Success(output).
  • tee – the operation interacts with some external system and has no meaningful output. The original input is passed through and returned as Success(input).

These step adapters in use look like this:

class CreateUser
  include Dry::Transaction(container: Container)

  map :process
  try :validate, catch: ValidationError
  map :create
  tee :notify

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