dry-transaction 0.15

Custom step adapters

You can provide your own step adapters to add custom behaviour to transaction steps. Your step adapters must provide a single #call(step, input, *args) method, which should return the step’s result wrapped in a Result object.

You can provide your step adapter in a few different ways. You can add it to the built-in StepAdapters container (a dry-container) to make it available to all transactions in your codebase:

Dry::Transaction::StepAdapters.register :custom_adapter, MyAdapter.new

Or you can make your own container to extend the built-in one, and then pass that to specific transactions:

class MyStepAdapters < Dry::Transaction::StepAdapters
  register :custom_adapter, MyAdapter.new

class CreateUser
  include Dry::Transaction(container: Container, step_adapters: MyStepAdapters)

  # ...

An example of a custom step adapter is enqueue, which would run its operation in a background queue.

QUEUE = []

class MyStepAdapters < Dry::Transaction::StepAdapters
  register :enqueue, -> step, input, *args {
    # In a real app, this would push the operation into a background worker queue
    QUEUE << step.operation.call(input, *args)


class CreateUser
  include Dry::Transaction(container: Container, step_adapters: MyStepAdapters)

  step :create
  enqueue :send_welcome_email

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