
Some constructors do not require you to pass a value. As a default they use Unit, a special singleton value:

extend Dry::Monads[:result]

Success().value! # => Unit

Unit doesn't have any special properties or methods, it's similar to nil except for it is not i.e. if Unit passes.

Unit is usually excluded from the output:

extend Dry::Monads[:result]

# Outputs as "Success()" but technically it's "Success(Unit)"

Discarding values

When the outcome of an operation is not a caller's concern, call .discard, it will map the wrapped value to Unit:

extend Dry::Monads[:result]

result = create_user # returns Success(#<User...>) or Failure(...)

result.discard # => Maps Success(#<User ...>) to Success() but leaves Failure(...) intact

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