
Dry-logic uses operations to interact with the input passed to the different rules.

require 'dry/logic'
require 'dry/logic/predicates'

include Dry::Logic

user_present = Rule::Predicate.new(Predicates[:key?]).curry(:user)

min_18 = Rule::Predicate.new(Predicates[:gt?]).curry(18)

# Here Operations::Key and Rule::Predicate are use to compose and logic based on the value of a given key e.g [:user, :age]
has_min_age = Operations::Key.new(min_18, name: [:user, :age])
# => #<Dry::Logic::Operations::Key rules=[#<Dry::Logic::Rule::Predicate predicate=#<Method: Module(Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods)#gt?> options={:args=>[18]}>] options={:name=>[:user, :age], :evaluator=>#<Dry::Logic::Evaluator::Key path=[:user, :age]>, :path=>[:user, :age]}>

# Thanks to the composable structure of the library we can use multiple Rules and Operations to create custom logic
user_rule = user_present & has_min_age

user_rule.(user: { age: 19 }).success?
# => true
  • Built-in:
    • and
    • or
    • key
    • attr
    • binary
    • check
    • each
    • implication
    • negation
    • set
    • xor

Another example, lets create the all? method from the Enumerable module.

require 'dry/logic'
require 'dry/logic/predicates'

include Dry::Logic

def all?(value)

all_6 = all?(6)

# => true

# => false

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