
For deprecate ruby methods you need to extend Dry::Core::Deprecations module with a tag that will be displayed in the output. For example:

require 'dry/core/deprecations'

class Foo
  extend Dry::Core::Deprecations[:tag]

  def self.old_class_api; end
  def self.new_class_api; end

  deprecate_class_method :old_class_api, :new_class_api

  def old_api; end
  def new_api; end

  deprecate :old_api, :new_api

# => [tag] Foo.old_class_api is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version
# => Please use Foo.new_class_api instead.
# => file.rb:9:in `<class:Foo>'
# => [tag] Foo#old_api is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version
# => Please use Foo#new_api instead.
# => file.rb:14:in `<class:Foo>'

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