Component dirs

The container auto-registers its components from one or more component dirs, the directories holding the Ruby source files for your classes.

You can configure one or more component dirs:

class Application < Dry::System::Container
  configure do |config|
    config.root = __dir__

    config.component_dirs.add "lib"
    config.component_dirs.add "app"

Component dirs will be searched in the order you add them. A component found in the first added dir will be registered in preference to a component with the same name in a later dir.

Component dir configuration

You can configure many aspects of component auto-registration via component dirs.


auto_register sets the auto-registration policy for the component dir.

This may be a simple boolean to enable or disable auto-registration for all components, or a proc accepting a Dry::Sytem::Component and returning a boolean to configure auto-registration on a per-component basis.

auto_register defaults to true.

config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
  dir.auto_register = false
config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
  dir.auto_register = proc do |component|


memoize sets whether to memoize components from the dir when registered in the container (ordinarily, components are initialized every time they are resolved).

This may be a simple boolean to enable or disable memoization for all components, or a proc accepting a Dry::Sytem::Component and returning a boolean to configure memoization on a per-component basis.

memoize defaults to false.

config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
  dir.memoize = true
config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
  dir.memoize = proc do |component|


namespaces allows one or more namespaces to be added for paths within the component dir. For the given path, the namespace determines:

  1. The leading segments of its components' registered identifiers, and
  2. The expected constant namespace of their class constants.

When adding a namespace, you can specify:

  • A key: namespace, which determines the leading part of the key used to register each component in the container. It can be:
    • Omitted, in which case it defaults to the value of path
    • A string, which will become the leading part of the registered keys
    • nil, which will make the registered keys top-level, with no additional leading parts
  • A const: namespace, which is the Ruby namespace expected to contain the class constants defined within each component's source file.

This value is provided as an "underscored" string, and will be run through the container inflector's #constantize, to be converted in to a real constant (e.g. "foo_bar/baz" will become FooBar::Baz). Accordingly, const: can be:

  • Omitted, in which case it defaults to the value of path
  • A string, which will be constantized to the expected constant namespace per the rules above
  • nil, to indicate the class constants will be in the top-level constant namespace

Only a single namespace can be added for any distinct path.

To illustrate these options:

Top-level key namespace

config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
  dir.namespaces.add "admin", key: nil
  • admin/foo.rb is expected to define Admin::Foo, will be registered as "foo"
  • admin/bar/baz.rb is expected to define Admin::Bar::Baz, will be registered as "bar.baz"

Top-level const namespace

config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
  dir.namespaces.add "admin/top", const: nil
  • admin/top/foo.rb is expected to define Foo, will be registered as ""
  • admin/top/bar/baz.rb is expected to define Bar::Baz, will be registered as ""

Distinct const namespace

config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
  dir.namespaces.add "admin", key: nil, const: "super/admin"
  • admin/foo.rb is expected to define Super::Admin::Foo, will be registered as "foo"
  • admin/bar/baz.rb is expected to define Super::Admin::Bar::Baz, will be registered as "bar.baz"

Omitted key namespace, with keys keeping their natural prefix

config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
  dir.namespaces.add "admin", const: "super/admin"
  • admin/foo.rb is expected to define Super::Admin::Foo, will be registered as ""
  • admin/bar/baz.rb is expected to define Super::Admin::Bar::Baz, will be registered as ""
Each component dir may have multiple namespaces

The examples above show a component dir with a single configured namespace, but component dir may have any number of namespaces:

config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
  dir.namespaces.add "admin/system_adapters", key: nil, const: nil
  dir.namespaces.add "admin", key: nil
  dir.namespaces.add "elsewhere", key: "stuff.and.things"

When the container loads its components, namespaces are searched and evaluated in order of definition. So for the example above:

  • Files within lib/admin/system_adapters/ will have the key: nil, const: nil namespace rules applied
  • All other files in lib/admin/ will have the key: nil namespace rules applied
  • Files in lib/elsewhere/ will have the key: "stuff.and.things" namespace rules applied
A root namespace is implicitly appended to a component dir's configured namespaces

To ensure that all the the files within a component dir remain loadable, a "root namespace" is implicitly appended to the list of configured namespaces on a component dir.

A root namespace, as the name implies, encompasses all files in the component dir. In the example above, the root namespace would be used when loading files not in the admin/ or elsewhere/ paths.

The default root namespace is effectively the following:

namespaces.add nil, key: nil, const: nil

It has nil path (the root of the component dir), a nil leading key namespace (all keys will be determined based on the full file path from the root of the dir), and a nil const namespace (implying that the root of the component dir will hold top-level constants).

These assumptions tend to hold true for typically organised projects, and they ensure that the component dirs can load code usefully even when no namespaces are configured at all.

The root namespace may be explicitly configured

There may be cases where you want different namespace rules to apply when loading components from the root of the component dir. To support this, you can configure the root namespace explicitly via namespaces.root.

In this example, files in lib/ are all expected to provide class constants in the Admin namespace:

config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
  dir.namespaces.root const: "admin"

Root namespaces can be configured alongside other namespaces. The same namespace ordering preferences apply to root namespaces as to all others.


add_to_load_path sets whether the component dir should be added to the $LOAD_PATH after the container is configured.

Set this to false if you’re using dry-container with an autoloader.

add_to_load_path defaults to true.


loader sets the loader to use when registering components from the dir in the container.

loader defaults to Dry::System::Loader.

When using a class autoloader, consider setting this to Dry::System::Loader::Autoloading:

require "dry/system"

class Application < Dry::System::Container
  configure do |config|
    config.root = __dir__

    config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
      dir.loader = Dry::System::Loader::Autoloading

To provide a custom loader, you must implement the same interface as Dry::System::Loader.

Component dir defaults configuration

If you are adding multiple component dirs to your container, and would like common configuration to be applied to all of them, you can configure the component_dirs collection directly.

Configuration set on component_dirs will be applied to all added component dirs. Any configuration applied directly to an individual component dir will override the defaults.

class MyApp::Container < Dry::System::Container
  configure do |config|
    config.root = __dir__

    # Configure defaults for all component dirs
    config.component_dirs.auto_register = proc do |component|
    config.component_dirs.namespaces.add "admin", key: nil

    config.component_dirs.add "lib"
    config.component_dirs.add "app"

Inline component configuration with magic comments

You can override certain aspects of the component dir configuration on a per-component basis by adding “magic comments” to the top of your source files.

The following settings can be configured by magic comments:

  • auto_register
  • memoize

In the magic comments, you can set true or false values only.

For example, to disable auto-registration of a particular component:

# auto_register: false
# frozen_string_literal: true

class MyClass

Or to enable memoization of a particular component:

# memoize: true
# frozen_string_literal: true

class MyClass

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