
Here's a basic example where we validate the following things:

  • The input must have a key called :email
    • Provided the email key is present, its value must be filled
  • The input must have a key called :age
    • Provided the age key is present, its value must be an integer and it must be greater than 18

This can be easily expressed through the DSL:

require 'dry-schema'

schema = Dry::Schema.Params do
  required(:age).filled(:integer, gt?: 18)
end '', age: 19)
# #<Dry::Schema::Result{:email=>"", :age=>19} errors={}>"email" => "", "age" => "19")
# #<Dry::Schema::Result{:email=>"", :age=>19} errors={:email=>["must be filled"]}>

When you apply this schema to an input, 3 things happen:

  1. Input keys are coerced to symbols using schema's key map
  2. Input values are coerced based on type specs
  3. Input keys and values are validated using defined schema rules

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