
dry-logger provides a standalone, dependency-free logging solution suitable for any Ruby application.

  • Structured logging by default
  • Logging to multiple destinations via pluggable logging backends
  • Fine-grained log formatting using formatters
  • Customizable logging logic via log filtering
  • Out-of-the-box exception logging
  • Built-in support for text log templates with customizable colorized output
  • Built-in support for tagged log entries
  • Public API for adding your own backends and formatters

Basic setup

To configure a basic $stdout logger simply use the main setup method Dry.Logger:

logger = Dry.Logger(:my_app) "Hello World"
# Hello World

The setup method accepts various options to configure the logger. You can change default formatter, provide customized text templates, and so on.

Let's use a more detailed logging template that gives more logging context in the output:

logger = Dry.Logger(:test, template: :details) "Hello World"
# [test] [INFO] [2022-11-17 11:43:52 +0100] Hello World

Using multiple logging destinations

You can configure your logger to log to more than one destination. In case of the default logger, the destination is set to $stdout. Let's say you want to log both to $stdout and a file:

logger = Dry.Logger(:test, template: :details).add_backend(stream: "logs/test.log")

# This goes to $stdout and logs/test.log too "Hello World"
# [test] [INFO] [2022-11-17 11:46:12 +0100] Hello World

Conditional logging

You can tell your backends when exactly they should be logging using log_if option. It can be set to either a symbol that represents a method that Dry::Logger::Entry implements or a custom proc.

Here's a simple example:

logger = Dry.Logger(:test, template: :details)
  .add_backend(stream: "logs/requests.log", log_if: -> entry { entry.key?(:request) })

# This goes only to $stdout "Hello World"
# [test] [INFO] [2022-11-17 11:50:12 +0100] Hello World

# This goes to $stdout and logs/requests.log "GET /posts", request: true
# [test] [INFO] [2022-11-17 11:51:50 +0100] GET /posts request=true

Using custom templates

You can provide customized text log templates using regular Ruby syntax for tokenized string templates:

logger = Dry.Logger(:test, template: "[%<severity>s] %<message>s") "Hello World"
# [INFO] Hello World

The following tokens are supported:

  • %<progname>s - the name of your logger, ie Dry.Logger(:test) sets progname to test
  • %<severity>s - log level name
  • %<time>s - log entry timestamp
  • %<message>s - log text message passed as a string, ie"Hello World") sets message to "Hello World"
  • %<payload>s - optional log entry payload provided as keywords, ie "Hello World") sets payload to {text: "Hello World"} and its presentation depends on the formatter that was used

Furthermore, you can use payload keys that are expected to be passed to a specific logging backend. Here's an example:

logger = Dry.Logger(:test, template: "[%<severity>s] %<verb>s %<path>s") verb: "GET", path: "/users"
# [INFO] GET /users

Using colorized text output

You can use simple color tags to colorize specific values in the text output:

logger = Dry.Logger(:test, template: "[%<severity>s] <blue>%<verb>s</blue> <green>%<path>s</green>")

# This is now colorized, you gotta trust us verb: "GET", path: "/users"
# [INFO] GET /users

Following built-in color tags are supported:

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • gray

Customizing formatters

There are three built-in formatters:

  • :string - formats payload into key=value sequence and supports colorized output, suitable for development environmments
  • :json - suitable for production environments, formats timestamps into UTC
  • :rack - suitable for logging rack requests

To configure a specific formatter, use the formatter option:

logger = Dry.Logger(:test, formatter: :rack) verb: "GET", path: "/users", elapsed: "12ms", ip: "", status: 200, length: 312, params: {}
# [test] [INFO] [2022-11-17 12:04:30 +0100] GET 200 12ms /users 312

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