
dry-events is a library providing pub/sub API allowing you to create event publishers and a convenient way of subscribing to the events. This library is used as the pub/sub backend in dry-monitor, which also powers monitoring plugin in dry-system.

Quick start

Publishers are created using Dry::Events::Publisher extension, which is created by providing a unique identifier. An extended class can be used to define the type of events it can publish:

require 'dry/events/publisher'

class Application
  include Dry::Events::Publisher[:my_publisher]


You can publish events via Publisher#publish method:

app =

app.publish('users.created', user: 'Jane')

Subscribing to events

There are two ways that you can use to subscribe to events:

  • Block-based subscription
  • Event listener objects, where a naming convention is used in order to determine which methods should respond to events

Block-based subscribers

To subscribe to an event using a block, simply pass it to Publisher#subscribe method:

app.subscribe('users.created') do |event|
  puts "EVENT #{}"
  puts "USER #{event[:user]}"

app.publish('users.created', user: 'Jane')

# output:
# EVENT users.created
# USER Jane

Event listeners

An event listener object must implement methods that correspond to the following naming convention:

  • "users.created" event is handled by #on_users_created method

Here's a simple example:

class EventListener
  def on_users_created(event)
    puts "EVENT #{}"
    puts "USER #{event[:user]}"

event_listener =


app.publish('users.created', user: 'Jane')

# output:
# EVENT users.created
# USER Jane

You can also unsubscribe an event listener via Publisher#unsubscribe method:


# this will no longer invoke event_listener
app.publish('users.created', user: 'Jane')

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